Label location trace

For a time-ordered series of coordinates, such as a GPS trace, annotate each point with a location label. Such a coordinate series may look like:

array([[ 55.75259295,  12.34353885 ],
       [ 55.7525908 ,  12.34353145 ],
       [ 55.7525876 ,  12.3435386  ],
       [ 63.40379175,  10.40477095 ],
       [ 63.4037841 ,  10.40480265 ],
       [ 63.403787  ,  10.4047871  ]])

The trace can then be labeled using infostop.detect.label_trace:

labels = infostop.label_trace(data)
# array([0, 0, -1, ..., 164, 164, 164])

And stacked with the input data:

    np.hstack([data, labels.reshape(-1, 1)])
array([[ 55.75259295,  12.34353885,   0.        ],
       [ 55.7525908 ,  12.34353145,   0.        ],
       [ 55.7525876 ,  12.3435386 ,  -1.        ],
       [ 63.40379175,  10.40477095, 164.        ],
       [ 63.4037841 ,  10.40480265, 164.        ],
       [ 63.403787  ,  10.4047871 , 164.        ]])

Labels 0 and 164 in this example correspond to locations where the user was static, and possibly returned. The label -1 is given to location measurements which are recorded while the user is not stationary.

It is relevant for the user to consider first setting the r1 parameter in infostop.detect.label_trace, which sets the threshold for the maximum distance between two consecutive location measurements allowed within the same stop location. As a rule of thumb, r1 should be slightly greater than the standard deviation of the uncertainty distribution on the location measurement.

To get bigger stop locations consider increasing r2, which sets the distance threshold for link creation.

If the input data is not GPS points, the distance_function parameter should be set to a valid metric, and r1 and r2 should most likely be specified to something meaningful. Per default, Infostop assumes that points are (lat, lon) and uses the haversine distance function, where the thresholds are given in meters.

Label timestamped trace

In a third (rightmost) column, timestamps can be listed so the input series looks like:

array([[ 55.75259295,  12.34353885,  1356998400 ],
       [ 55.7525908 ,  12.34353145,  1356998700 ],
       [ 55.7525876 ,  12.3435386 ,  1356999000 ],
       [ 63.40379175,  10.40477095,  1357085400 ],
       [ 63.4037841 ,  10.40480265,  1357085700 ],
       [ 63403787  ,  10.4047871  ,  1357086000 ]])

This is useful, as it allows the user to specify in the infostop.detect.label_trace function two new parameters: min_staying_time which sets a lower bound on how short stops can be, and max_time_between which sets an upper bound on the longest allowed time between two samples before a new stop event is created.

Label static coordinates

In cases where the user needs to cluster a collection of points (i.e. static coordinates) infostop.detect.label_static_points is useful. It creates a network of locations where locations that are closer than r2 to each other are linked, and then clusters this network using Infomap. Since Infomap is a flowbased clustering algorithm, it can detect overlapping clusters (i.e. stop locations or points of interest) as seperate locations.

Label distance matrix

Given an (N, N) distance matrix for a set of coordinates infostop.detect.label_distance_matrix returns the same result as infostop.detect.label_static_points does for a (N, 2) array of coordinates.